So, where do I start, you ask? Great question!

  1. Before you begin your reading adventure, we encourage you to read our pages
    What is Phonics? and Why Phonics? in order to understand the incredible value of
    your efforts.

  2. Read through the Keys to Success page to help you understand the principles that
    govern the process.

  3. Browse through the Learning Styles pages and the related links so that you can
    identify the Learning Style of your student. This knowledge will be vital when you
    are looking for appropriate methods/activities to reinforce each phonics step.

  4. Read through the brief list of the Phonics Steps to get an overview of the process
    you are about to begin. Then read through each detailed step to see the specifics. We
    have included sample ideas for each step to help you ‘see’ how the material can be presented.

  5. Once you have a thorough understanding of the reading process and you have identified your student’s learning style, you will be ready to select a phonics program that will best suit your needs. For help in making your selection, please see our Links page.

  6. And lastly, you will want to carefully review the phonics program you select and gather the materials that you will need to begin your lessons. We have included some materials suggestions below. You can also find specific recommendations on our Links page.

    NOTE: For those of you who are working with struggling readers, we recommend that you follow suggestions 1-4 above in order to gain a better understanding of the phonic method. Then, you can use your knowledge of each of the Phonics Steps to help you identify the gaps in your student’s phonics foundation. If you need help identifying weak areas, we recommend that you use a basic phonics handbook such as A Handbook for Reading or Noah Webster’s Reading Handbook [see our Links page for publishing information.]