Terms of Use and Copyright Information
The teachers who create the materials on this site hold legal copyright to the text and formats. The charts, handouts, and notes can be downloaded and used for personal, non-business use only. Teachers can use the materials for individual tutoring and for group instruction. The material MAY NOT be transferred to any other websites, including personal websites and/or blogs, NOR may the material be used for commercial purposes, as this would infringe upon the copyright holders’ rights. We do reserve the right to alter or amend this use policy as we deem necessary.
Links to Our Site:
If you have an education-based site or a site that provides helps for parents or tutors, you may link to our site as long as there is no stated or implied association/connection between PhonicTalk.com and your site.
Clipart Information
Most of the clipart that we are using is in the public domain and was found on the Open Clip Art site [ https://openclipart.org/]. Additional images were taken from the WP Clipart site [https://wpclipart.com/] and from Phillip Martin’s Free Clipart site [https://www.phillipmartin.info/clipart/homepage.htm] . A few images were taken from the web and are used under the fair use provision of the copyright law. This is an education/information website, created and maintained by teachers, and no copyright infringement is intended.
If you believe we have used an image in a manner that conflicts with copyright law, please contact us. Thank-you.
A Word About Our Links:
As noted on our About Us page, we have designed this site for information purposes only. We have offered link/site suggestions in good faith. We have no vested interest in any of the sites or in the products we mention on our site. None of us sell educational products.
Also, at the time we designated the links, they were accurate. We have visited each site that is mentioned, and at the time of our visit, the sites were family-friendly and phonics related. However, with the increasing activity of hackers and spammers, we cannot guarantee that the sites have remained appropriate.
And finally, since sites frequently come and go on the web, you may find some links invalid. Please accept our apologies for any such occurrences.